
Learn the issues that could be causing your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year. Click here.

Three Tips To Make The Most Of Your Home Furnace

20 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Keeping your home warm during the winter is one of the most important things you can do. Not only does indoor warmth through your HVAC system provide a sense of comfort for your residents, but it also protects the structure of your home and its longevity. To be sure that you are doing all that you can to make your heating system run smoothly, apply these three furnace maintenance tips and begin touching base with HVAC contractors who can assist you. Read More …

Ways To Save On Your Winter Heating Bills

4 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you heat your family's home with a forced-air heater, then the one thing you can count on is increased power bills during the cold winter months. Thankfully, there are many different things you can do to help keep your furnace's warm air inside of your home and prevent the heat loss that causes your HVAC system to run more than necessary. Found below is a listing of free actions that you can take today to lower your power usage and decrease your electrical bills: Read More …

2 Options For Renters In Need Of Air Conditioning

9 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Renting an apartment offers some unique challenges compared to owning a home. One challenge is having a comfortable summer if your building or unit doesn't have central air conditioning. If your landlord isn't willing to put in central air conditioning or supply you with an alternative, there are a couple of cooling options that can fit different needs and budgets. But each type of unit also has its own pros, cons, and considerations. Read More …

Spooky Signs Of Heating Repair

13 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There are some very scary things that can happen in your home if you do not take heating repair and service seriously. You may be causing unnecessary anxiety and illness to members of your family. It is also possible that a deadly situation is brewing in your home. The following are three spooky things that can happen with your heating system.  Carbon Monoxide Detection Hopefully, you have at least one carbon monoxide detector in your home. Read More …

FAQ About Central Air Conditioning System Ductwork

10 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Did you move into an old house that has an inefficient central air conditioning system? You might need to invest in a new system, but it is possible that the ductwork in the house is the cause of inefficiency. Replacing, repairing or getting the ductwork cleaned by a professional might fix the inefficiency problem. This article will cover a few of the questions that you might have in regards to the ductwork to your air conditioning system. Read More …

About Me
air conditioning unit quitting during extreme temperatures

The temperature outside reaches 90 degrees and your air conditioning stops working. You continually go to the thermostat and bump the temperature a little lower with the hopes of miraculously fixing the problem. Once the temperature inside the house reaches 88 degrees, you finally conclude that there is something very wrong with the air conditioning system. So, what could the problem be? What can you do to fix it? My blog will provide you with several issues that could cause your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year so that you can begin making the repairs or call for help.
