
Learn the issues that could be causing your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year. Click here.

The Role That Your Attic Plays In Home Cooling

28 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Having a great air conditioner is an important part of staying cool during the summer. However, if you do not have adequate insulation, your air conditioning system might not be enough. You may ignore your attic because it is out of sight and out of mind, but your home may be less comfortable because of this.  The Importance of an Insulated Attic When your attic is not properly insulated, the conditioned air can escape from living quarters below to the attic. Read More …

Here’s Why You Should Have A Central Air Conditioner Installed Before The Coming Summer Season

28 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If your home doesn't already feature a central air conditioning system, now is the time to consider having one installed. Following are just a few good reasons to consider investing in a new central air conditioning system for your home: Save Yourself Some Time and Energy Installing a new central air conditioner does require an initial investment and will slightly increase your power bills, but you can save yourself some time, energy, and even money as time goes on. Read More …

Prepare For Winter With Summertime Furnace Maintenance

23 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

It's not cold outside just yet. In fact, it may be the hottest it's ever been. Although it's still the height of the summer season, it won't be long before colder weather rolls in. Making sure your heating system is in great shape while it's still warm outside can help prevent unpleasant surprises as the mercury drops. How to Take Care of Your Furnace There's plenty you can do to make sure your furnace remains in great shape for its fall debut. Read More …

3 Signs That Your Restaurant’s Refrigerator Needs To Be Repaired

20 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

As a restaurant owner, you know how important a properly working fridge is to the overall success of your kitchen. Here are three signs to look out for that could indicate that your restaurant's fridge is in need of repairs to regain optimal functionality: The Fridge Is Starting to Sweat If your fridge looks like it's sweating in the middle of your dinner rush, chances are that you have a cooling problem of some kind. Read More …

3 Tips For Getting Pipe Fabrication Services

14 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you are interested in making the most out of your plumbing and HVAC assistance, it's important that you reach out to a company that can offer you the pipe fabrication services that you need. Touching base with plumbing professionals can offer you the opportunity to receive the best for your infrastructure. By following these tips below, you will be able to get the most of your pipe fabrication services.  Read More …

About Me
air conditioning unit quitting during extreme temperatures

The temperature outside reaches 90 degrees and your air conditioning stops working. You continually go to the thermostat and bump the temperature a little lower with the hopes of miraculously fixing the problem. Once the temperature inside the house reaches 88 degrees, you finally conclude that there is something very wrong with the air conditioning system. So, what could the problem be? What can you do to fix it? My blog will provide you with several issues that could cause your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year so that you can begin making the repairs or call for help.
